Anna Thalberg by Eduardo Sangarcía wins the Premio Mauricio Achar in Mexico!
The jury members Fernanda Melchor, Julián Herbert and Cristina Rivera Garza said: “an exceptional story of witchcraft and persecution that acquires a shockingly contemporary validity and that keeps us engaged with a complex and virtuous handling of the point of view.”
Melchor added: “Anna Thalberg offers us a combination of formal virtuosity with an absolutely gripping rhythm.”
Cristina Rivera Garza: “Anna Thalberg is a novel that challenges us on multiple levels, exploring with a steady hand events only seemingly from the past; a work that has a very clear way of communicating with the present.”
Julian Herbert: “A special emotion. A very absorbing novel showing power mechanisms that are still in force today and where the formal elegance of the narration is transformed into atmosphere and pure feeling.”
Anna Thalberg will be published in May by Penguin Random House in the Spanish speaking world.