Again and again, Greta is drawn to the “July 10th Street” in Santiago de Chile. It is the famous street of spare parts sellers. Here, Greta is looking for the parts needed to put back on track the school bus in which her only daughter died in an accident. Her restless search not only destroys her marriage, but leads her to the abandoned house of her childhood sweetheart Juan, the only building in the area that defies the demolition plans of a construction company. But Juan has disappeared. Was it murder or suicide? Was he kidnapped? Did his research on Colonia Dignidad endanger him? Or, as his wife still suspects, did he just run away?


264 pages – Original Language: Spanish (Uqbar, 2008 and Alquimia, 2021) – Foreign Editions: Spanish/Spain (Minúscula, 2025); Spanish/Mexico & Central America (Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2023); Spanish/Argentina (Eterna Cadencia 2022),  Spanish/Audio (Storytel, 2019), German (Septime Verlag, 2015)